Upcoming Emmaus Retreats

The next Emmaus Retreats will be held in the Spring of 2024 at Los Altos United Methodist Church in Los Altos, CA.

  • Men’s Retreat: April 11-14, 2024

  • Women’s Retreat: April 18-21, 2024

Men’s Leadership Team:

Louis Pandula - Lay Dir., Lee Neish - Spiritual Dir., Gary Pope-Sears - Lay Dir. Assistant and Cha-Cha Dir., Joe Austin - Song Team Dir., Lindsay Hiratzka - Agape Dir., Mike Kernaghan - Kitchen Dir., Karen Pandula - Love Team Dir., Joanie Kernaghan - Candlelight Dir.

Women’s Leadership Team:

Karlyn Swan Strickland - Lay Dir., Vicki Minerva - Spiritual Dir., Valerie Kelly - Lay Dir. Assistant, Eleanor Walker - Cha-Cha Dir., Janet O'Brien - Song Team Dir., Lynn Balestrery - Agape Dir., Jan Kubik - Kitchen Dir., Hal Taylor - Candlelight Dir.

Attending an Emmaus Retreat is just the first step in receiving its blessings.

Serving at an Emmaus Retreat completes the circle of being a part of giving God’s Grace to others. Learning to love is all about giving of what we have received.

Please plan to attend The Post-Walk, Community Gathering

Gathering Date: May 4th, 2024 from 4pm to 8pm

Location: Los Altos, United Methodist Church, Los Altos, CA

We provide a 3-day experience of spiritual renewal with a lifetime of fellowship and service to others.

Emmaus is a short course in seeing God’s grace with new eyes and living a life of love, and encourages fourth-day reunion groups in Northern California and Nevada. We offer retreat weekends to build faith, and our Lay and Clergy leaders are all approved by the Board of Directors for their experience, skill, and faith.

The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities and places of work. Emmaus lifts-up a way for our grace-filled lives to be lived and shared with others. Find out more

Working an Emmaus Retreat reaffirms my pilgrim experience and feels like entering another world, where there is fellowship, kindness, music, and FUN.” - Karen P.