Grace Emmaus Work Request
*New! One form is now used for both sets of Men/Women Walks
This form is to be completed for each set of walks. It will submit your request to work a Walk to our Team Selection leaders. A new form is required for each new set of walks to ensure emergency and contact information is all accurate.
Please note that a request to work does not necessarily mean that you will be asked to serve. Choosing a team is entirely up to the Team Selection Directors on the Board of Directors with approval by the Lay Director. They strive for a balance of new and experienced team members along with a mix of ages and churches. A new question is whether you can remain overnight on-site or need to be off-site. Some positions request being on-site overnight, e.g. LD, ALD, and Team Coordinators.
You must pay the worker fee for facilities rent, food, and supplies, and will be directed to that page after submitting this form. You may also request a scholarship from the Treasurer if you cannot afford the fee at this time. Thank you for submitting this request to bless others through your participation and prayers for Grace Walk To Emmaus.
(Form updated June 2023)