Donation/Worker Fee

Blessings on you for signing up to work a Walk. Your presence is the most important act you can do to promote the discipleship mission of the Grace Emmaus Community, helping others experience God’s agape love.

Obviously, our Grace Emmaus Walks have associated costs. If you are able to donate funds to offset some of these expenses, we welcome your help and have some suggested donation levels for team members. But you may contribute whatever you choose. Your participation is independent of these donations and should never be an impediment to you participating in a Walk.

The suggested worker donation fee is normally $120, or $140 if you request a special diet. This helps to cover your portion of the expenses, including food, snacks, building use, and equipment required to make a walk happen, and to also support a small portion of the cost for each pilgrim. If you are unable to pay your fee you may still sign up as a worker.

If you can’t work, but would like to donate to help someone else, you may do that here also in our "Grace Bridge Fund”. This fund bridges the gap between what is collected for a given walk and what the walk costs. If you are in a financial position to donate more than the suggested donation, or you aren't able to work this walk and want to support the Grace Community, the Grace Bridge Fund is for you.

Grace Emmaus of Silicon Valley is a volunteer and non-profit ministry. We depend on your donations to make a weekend walk happen, so thank you for your generosity and support. (You can optionally pay at the Team Meeting via a credit card or check.)

Please use the link below to pay the worker donation fee on-line.

Clicking this button will take you to our Grace Emmaus of Silicon Valley PayPal page where you can pay by PayPal or credit card.